Best Dns Servers For Mac

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Sometimes, when your favorite websites go 'down,' they're actually still right there. You just can't see them, because your computer doesn't know the route.

One of the very best DNS servers for gaming around, Comodo Secure DNS combines speed, reliability, and safety into one convenient package. Comodo Secure DNS utilizes a powerful network that sports a huge number of servers. Choose the “DNS” tab at the top of the screen. To add a new DNS server: click on the [+] plus button; To edit an existing DNS server: click twice on the DNS IP address you wish to change; To remove a DNS server: select a DNS server IP address and then click either the [-] minus button or hit the delete key. How public DNS improves your surfing experience. When you plug your modem and router into your home internet connection, your device automatically connects to a default DNS server in order to ensure you can browse the internet as you see fit.

What if you could give your PC some better driving directions right now, in just a minute or two tops? What if this trick improved your privacy too?

  • The Best Free DNS servers For a Faster 2018. Posted by Jamie on September 26, 2018. (both for PC or Mac) or your router altogether (which is recommended by the company, because it protects every device on your network). What makes ConnectSafe one of our favorite offerings is the simplicity of it all. Without any additional software to.
  • If, on the other hand, you want to use the DNS servers that your specific ISP, like Verizon, AT&T, Comcast/XFINITY, etc., has determined is best, then don't manually set DNS server addresses at all — just let them auto assign.
  • There are some DNS servers which deliver you the best internet speed and best browsing experience. Sometimes, there is a change that a provided DNS will redirect you to the wrong location for the website to the actual website that you are looking for.

To do that, you just need to change your DNS server.

Now playing:Watch this: Change your DNS to speed up the internet

What's a DNS server?

'' is just the street address of this website. To figure out the 'driving directions,' if you will, your computer contacts a special server (called DNS, for Domain Name System) to figure out the route. That server tells your web browser that '' actually means ''. The number, known as an IP address, is a far better description of where CNET actually lives.

If your DNS server goes down.. it's like your computer no longer has GPS! But you can simply switch to another public DNS server to resolve those issues.

How does a DNS server help with privacy?

By default, your computer probably reaches out to a DNS server controlled by your internet service provider (ISP), say Comcast or AT&T. That means they can easily see the websites you visit -- and because they've got your name and address, too, they could theoretically build a fairly complete profile of you.

Best Dns Servers For Mac

If you use a DNS server provided by a different company, they might record that info too..but at least it'll be harder for them to figure out who exactly is browsing those websites, which could make the data less valuable.

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And at least one DNS provider has sworn it won't keep a log: CloudFlare ( says it'll open itself up to third-party auditors to guarantee they aren't collecting data from you.

OK, so how do I change my DNS on Windows?

  • Hit Start and type Network Status (or right-click on your Wi-Fi icon and pick Open Network and Internet settings).
  • Click on Change Adapter Settings.
  • Right-click on your active network connection, then hit Properties.
  • Left-click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and hit Properties. (If you use IPv6, change that one also/instead.)
  • Click on 'Use the following DNS server addresses:' and type in one of the following public DNS server addresses:
Best Dns Servers For Mac = CloudFlare DNS or = OpenDNS or = GoogleDNS or = DNS.Watch or = VeriSign Public DNS

Note that you may need to try more than one to get your sites working. OpenDNS helped us around a Twitter and Netflix outage back in 2016, but GoogleDNS didn't.

How do I change DNS on Mac?

  1. System Preferences
  2. Network
  3. Click Advanced.
  4. Click the DNS tab
  5. Click the little + sign at the lower left to add a new DNS server
  6. Type in the numbers of a public DNS server (see our suggestions in the Windows section above)
  7. Click OK
  8. Click Apply

Changing your DNS server is a good idea. You will get better security, privacy, accuracy, and speed by switching away from your ISP’s default. You can change your DNS by just entering a few numbers into your computer or router, but figuring out what those numbers can be is a little more confusing. Google and OpenDNS, the popular choices, may not actually be the best, but luckily, they are far from the only options.

Related: Changing Your DNS Server: Why You Should and How to Do It

What makes a good DNS server?

1. Security

Most ISPs do not use any DNS security, so finding a provider that uses DNScrypt (Very good but requires some setup), DNSSEC (Good but not encrypted), or DNS-over-TLS/DNS-over-HTTPS (Very good but rare) is preferable. Services that use one of these protocols will usually list it in their FAQ or technical information.

2. Privacy

Your ISP probably records your DNS requests, but many alternatives do as well. Try to find a service with anonymous logs (good, fairly common) or no logs (best but hard to find). If the provider doesn’t list their logging policy, just do a search for “[DNS Provider] logging policy.”

3. Accuracy/scope

Most public DNS servers keep more up-to-date records than ISPs, though this is hard to test. Even better, though, some provide access to domains that aren’t even listed on most servers, like “.ti,” which is not an official domain since Tibet is technically part of China.

4. Speed

When it comes to milliseconds, geography matters – the farther your server, the slower the speed. Using a Danish server while you’re in Chile will likely have a noticeable impact on your speed.

Before you settle on a server, test its speeds using a tool like DNS Jumper, DNS Benchmark, or NameBench. If the service you’re testing isn’t listed, all of these tools have fields where you can enter custom DNS addresses. Plug them in, test them, and pick the best ones relative to the others.

Option 1: Big Data

1. Google Public DNS (, Fast, reliable, secure, but potentially not private


  • User-friendly
  • Great security (DNSSEC and DNS-over-HTTPS)
  • Worldwide reach means top-notch speeds
  • Claims to delete logs within forty-eight hours


  • Even if they claim their DNS is private, the fact remains that Google’s business model is making money off your traffic.

2. OpenDNS (, Fast, customizable, and very secure, but definitely not private


  • Well-maintained servers and good speeds
  • Top-notch security (DNSCrypt) and browsing protection
  • Content-blocking and other settings available


  • OpenDNS claims not to sell your logs, but they explicitly state that they keep everything
  • They may be censoring some legitimate websites
  • They are owned by Cisco, an IT giant that, again, is getting all your information

3. Others – Level3 Communications – big, reliable, not private, no notable security features

Option 2: Maximum Privacy

1. OpenNIC: Wide variety of servers with good security/privacy


  • Good reputation for privacy and reliability
  • Many servers have no-logging policies and/or DNSCrypt
  • Servers all over the world, so speeds are generally good

Best Dns Servers For Mac


  • Standards can vary widely between servers
  • Requires some trust in server-operators
  • Requires some tech knowledge

2. DNS.Watch (, High privacy, good security, varying speeds


  • Great reputation for privacy, no logging
  • Reliable
  • Good security (DNSSEC)


  • Based in Germany, so speeds are best in Europe

3. Others

  • FreeDNS: Great privacy, no extra security, varying speeds
  • UncensoredDNS: Great privacy, uses DNSSEC, but gets slower as your distance from Denmark increases

Fastest Dns Servers

Option 3: The Middle Ground

1. Quad9 (, Great security, privacy guarantee, good speeds


  • Rolled out in 2017 by IBM, so it’s fast and being continuously upgraded
  • Great security (DNSSEC) and a continuously-updated list of blocked malicious websites
  • They claim not to store any personally identifiable information and are non-profit


  • IBM is still a big corporation that might use your data
  • Auto-blocking malicious websites is nice but may lead to some accidental censorship

2. Verisign (, Unspecified security, vague privacy, good speeds


  • Trusted company with plenty of servers
  • Promises not to sell your data


  • Only promises not to sell your data; is probably still logging it
  • A little light on security specifications

3. Others

Free Dns Software For Windows

  • Comodo: well-known security company, good speeds, automatically blocks malicious sites, but no extra security and probably keeps logs
  • Norton ConnectSafe: another security company, unspecified privacy, can be set to block malicious sites/adult content

Conclusion: Which Is the Best?

Best Dns Servers For Xbox Live

The DNS servers listed here represent a significant chunk of the market, though there are others that may also work for your needs. Your best options will vary, but in general, OpenNIC has something for everyone, with Quad9 being a more user-friendly backup option.

Once you change your DNS, don’t forget to check and make sure it worked!